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作者: 时间:2019-11-12 点击数:



姓   名:杜汇伟


性    别:男



民    族:汉

籍    贯:山西高平


Email: duhw@cjlu.edu.cn

电 话:




2005.09 - 2009.07 山西大学 物理与电子工程学院 物理学(国家基地)学士学位;

2009.09 - 2012.06 上海大学 理学院物理系 凝聚态物理   硕士学位(马忠权 教授);

2012.09 - 2015.12 上海大学 理学院物理系 凝聚态物理   博士学位(马忠权 教授);

2016.05 - 2018.10 中山大学 光电材料与技术国家重点实验室   光学工程 科研博士后(陈军 教授,桂许春 教授);

2018.10 -至今   中国计量大学   星空体育平台app 讲师。


1. 硫化锌/石墨烯基纳米核壳复相结构的制备与锂离子导向电迁移特征研究,浙江省工艺研究计划项目青年探索项目,批号:LQ20E070003(主持),2020年;

2. 具有周期性褶皱的石墨烯的构筑及其在力学传感中的应用探索,国家自然科学基金面上项目,批号:51772335(参与2),2018年


1. H. W. Du, X. C. Gui, R. L. Yang, Z. Q.   Lin, B. H. Liang, W. J. Chen, Y. J. Zheng, H. Zhu, and J. Chen, In-situ   sulfur loading in graphene-like nano-cell by template-free method for Li–S batteries, Nanoscale, 10, 3877 (2018);

2. H. W. Du, X. C. Gui, R. L. Yang, H.   Zhang, Z. Q. Lin, B. H. Liang, W. J. Chen, H. Zhu, and J. Chen, ZnS   nanoparticles coated with graphene-like nano-cell as anode materials for high   rate capability lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Mateirals Science, 53,   14619-14628 (2018);

3. H. W. Du, J. Yang, M. Gao, Y. Li, Y.   Z. Wan, F. Xu, and Z. Q. Ma, The bifunctional tin-doped indium oxide as   hole-selective contact and collector in silicon heterojunction solar cell   with a stable intermediate oxide layer, Solar Energy, 155, 963-970 (2017);

4. H. W. Du, J. Yang, Y. H. Li, F. Xu, J.   Xu, and Z. Q. Ma, Preparation of ITO/SiOx/n-Si solar cells with non-decline   potential field and hole tunneling by magnetron sputtering, Applied Physics   Letters, 106, 093508 (2015);

5. H. W. Du, J. Yang, Y. Li, M. Gao, S.   M. Chen, Z. S. Yu, F. Xu and Z. Q. Ma, Low temperature characteristic of   ITO/SiOx/c-Si heterojunction solar cell, Journal of Physics D: Applied   Physics 48, 355101 (2015);

6. H. W. Du, J. Yang, F. Xu, L. Zhao, and   Z. Q. Ma,Tunneling effect of photon-assisted   AZO/SiOx/n-Si heterojunction device at reverse bias,Advanced   Material Letters, 7, 100-105 (2016);

7. Z. Q. Ma*, H. W. Du, J. Yang, M. Gao,   S. M. Chen and Y. Z. Wan,Realization of both high   efficiency and quantum tunneling in QM-SIS solar cells, Materials Today:   Proceedings, 3, 454-458 (2016);

8. R. L. Yang, H. W. Du, Z. Q. Lin, L. L.   Yang, H. Zhu, H, Zhang, Z. K. Tang, X. C. Gui, ZnO nanoparticles filled   tetrapod-shaped carbon shell for lithium-sulfur batteries, Carbon, 141,   258-265 (2019)

9. K. J. Wu, M. Gao, H. W. Du, D. Y.   Chen, L. Zhao, Z. Q. Ma, Improvement of the performance of ITO/a-SiOx/n-Si   device by controllable sputtering power and reducible interface states,   Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 105, 104702 (2020)

10. B. H. Liang, W. J. Chen, Z. F. He, R.   L. Yang, Z. Q. Lin, H. W. Du, Y. Y. Shang, A. Y. Cao, Z. K. Tang, and X. C.   Gui, Highly Sensitive, Flexible MEMS Based Pressure Sensor with Photoresist   Insulation Layer, Small, 13, 44, (2017);

11. Y. J. Zheng, Z. Q. Lin, W. J. Chen,   B. H. Liang, H. W. Du, R. L. Yang, X. F. He, Z. K. Tang and X. C. Gui,   Flexible, sandwich-like CNTs/NiCo2O4 hybrid paper electrodes for   all-solid-state supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 5886   (2017);

12. Y. Z. Wan, M. Gao, Y. Li, H. W. Du,   Y. H. Li, H. B. Guo, F. Xu and Z. Q. Ma, Potentiality of delocalized states   in indium-involved amorphous silicon oxide, Applied Physics Letters, 110,   213902 (2017);

13. Y. Li, B. C. Han, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wan,   J. Yang, H. W. Du, and Z. Q. Ma, A concise way to estimate the average   density of interface states in an ITO/SiOx/n-Si heterojunction solar cell,   Applied Surface Science. 416, 432-438 (2017);

14. M. Gao, H. W. Du, J. Yang, L. Zhao,   J. Xu, and Z. Q. Ma, Variation of passivation behavior induced by sputtered   energetic particles and thermal annealing for ITO/SiOx/Si system, Chinese   Physics B 26, 045201 (2017);

15. Y. Li, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wan, H. W. Du,   S. M. Chen, and Z. Q. Ma. The high frequency tunnel capacitance overload   phenomenon of semiconductor-insulator- semiconductor heterojunction caused by   the ultra-thin interfacial layers, Chinese Science Bulletin, 62, 3385-3391   (2017);

16. J. Yang, H. W. Du, Yong Li, et al,   Structural defects and recombination behavior of excited carriers in   Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells, AIP ADVANCES, 6, 085215 (2016);

17. S. M. Chen, M. Gao, Y. Z. Wan, H. W.   Du, Y. Li, and Z. Q. Ma, Questing and the application for silicon based   ternary compound within ultra-thin layer of SIS intermediate region, Applied   Surface Science, 388, 57-63 (2016);

18. L. Shen, H. W. Du, J. Yang and Z. Q.   Ma, Optimized broad band and quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties   with moth-eye structures by low cost replica molding, Applied Surface   Science, 325, 100–104 (2015);

19. J. Yang, H. W. Du, D. S. Chen, F. Xu,   P. H. Zhou, J. Xu and Z. Q. Ma, Analysis of recombination path for   Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells through luminescence, Materials Letters, 145,   236–238 (2015);

20. S. M. Chen, M. Gao, R. N. Cao, H. W.   Du, J. Yang, L. Zhao, and Z. Q. Ma, Hydrogen-free synthesis of   graphene–graphitic films directly on Si substrate by plasma enhanced chemical   vapor deposition, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 26, 1485–1493 (2015);

21. D. S. Chen, J. Yang, Z. B. Yang, F.   Xu, H. W. Du and Z. Q. Ma, Improvement of band gap profile in CIGS solar   cells through rapid thermal annealing, Materials Research Bulletin, 54, 48-53   (2014).

22. D. S. Chen, J. Yang, F. Xu, P. H.   Zhou, H. W. Du, J. W. Shi, Z. S. Yu, Y. H. Zhang, B. Bartholomeusz, and Z. Q.   Ma, Performance improvement of CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells after Rapid   Thermal Annealing, Chinese Physics B, 22, 018801 (2013);

23. D. S. Chen, J. Yang, F. Xu, P. H.   Zhou, H. W. Du, J. W. Shi, Z. S. Yu, Y. H. Zhang, Brian Bartholomeusz, Z. Q.   Ma, Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the compositional ratio and   interface of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells by XPS, Applied Surface Science, 264,   459-463 (2013);

24. 杜汇伟,沈玲,丁虎,杨洁,赵磊,马忠权,超薄SiO2层的化合态结构和厚度分析,材料研究学报, 2012, 26, 461-466

25. 高明, 杜汇伟, 杨洁, 陈姝敏, 徐静, 马忠权, 磁控溅射工艺引起硅表面超薄钝化层电子结构变化, 科学通报, 2015, 60, 1841–1848


1.国家发明专利:硅基SIS 结构旁路二极管和HIT太阳电池的器件集成方法,专利号:ZL201511004294.6  排名 2




1. 2015年5月 全国博士生年会优秀论文奖(广州);

2. 2020年12月,第五届中国创新挑战赛(浙江)新材料行业现场赛三等奖(2/6)。


浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区学源街  310018   Tel:0571-86875608   Mail:clxy@cjlu.edu.cn 星空体育平台官网 . 管理入口 . 版权所有  © 2014.01

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