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202207-至今  中国计量大学,星空体育平台app,特聘研究员

201812-2022-04 德国物理技术研究所(PTB5.23 3D 纳米技术工作组

20103-201812 德国物理技术研究所(PTB2.52纳米磁学工作组

200911-20124 中国计量大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授

20076-200911 中国计量大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师

20029-2007 6 南京大学物理系,凝聚态物理专业,博士

19989-20026 南京大学物理系,磁学与磁性材料专业,学士



2. 2016-2019EMPIR project 15SIB06 – Nanomag: Nano-scale traceable magnetic field measurements, 欧洲创新与研究计量计划项目,参与

3. 2013-2015EMPR project EXL04 -SpinCal: Spintronics and spin-caloritronics in magnetic nanosystems, 欧洲计量研究计划项目,参与

4. 2011-2014EMRP project IND08 – MetMags: Metrology for Advanced Industrial Magnetics, 欧洲计量研究计划项目,参与

5. 2007-2009,高气压技术解决钐铁氮磁体研发关键物理难题探索(10874159),国家自然科学基金项目,参与


1. G. Dai, J. Degenhardt, X. Hu, H. Wolff, R. Tutsch, E. Manske, A feasibility study towards trace-able calibration of size and form of microspheres by stitching AFM images using ICP point-to-plane algorithm, Meas. Sci. Technol. 34, 055009 (2023).

2. G. Dai, X.K. Hu, J. Degenhardt, Bottom-up approach for traceable calibration of tip geometry of stylus profilometer, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 10, 015018 (2022)

3. A. Fernández Scarioni, C. Barton, H. Corte-León, S. Sievers, X.K. Hu, F. Ajejas, W. Legrand, N. Reyren, V. Cros, O. Kazakova, H.W. Schumacher, Thermoelectric signature of individual skyr-mions. Physical Review Letters 126, 077202 (2021).

4. X.K. Hu, G. Dai, S. Sievers, A. Fernández-Scarioni, H. Corte-León, R. Puttock, C. Barton, O. Kazakova, M. Ulvr, P. Klapetek, M. Havlíček, D. Nečas, Y. Tang, V. Neu,H. W. Schumacher, Round robin comparison on quantitative nanometer scale magnetic field measurements by mag-netic force microscopy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 511, 166947 (2020).

5. X.K. Hu, G. Dai, S. Sievers, A. Fernández Scarioni, V. Neu, M.  Bieler, H.W. Schumacher, Uncer-tainty analysis of stray field measurements by quantitative magnetic force microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69, 8187 (2020).

6. D. Nečas, P. Klapetek, V. Neu, M. Havlíček, R. Puttock, O. Kazakova, X.K. Hu, and L. Zajíčková, Determination of tip transfer function for quantitative MFM using frequency domain filter-ing and least squares method, Scientific Reports 9, 3880 (2019).

7. G. Dai, X.K. Hu, S. Sievers, A. Fernández-Scarioni, V. Neu, J. Fluegge, H.W. Schumacher, Met-rological large range magnetic force microscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 093703 (2018).

8. E. Pfitzner, X.K. Hu, H.W. Schumacher, A. Hoehl, D. Vekateshvaran, M. Cubukcu, J.-W. Liao, S. Auffret, J. Heberle, J. Wunderlich, B. Kästner, Near-field magneto-caloritronic nanoscopy on ferromagnetic nanostructures, AIP Adcances 8, 125329 (2018).

9. H.F. Yang, X.K. Hu, N. Liebing, T. Böhnert, J. D. Costa, M. Tarequzzaman, R. Ferreira, S. Siev-ers, M. Bieler, H. W. Schumacher, Electrical measurement of absolute temperature and tem-perature transients in a buried nanostructure under ultrafast optical heating, Applied Physics Letters 110, 232403 (2017).

10. P. Krzysteczko, J. Wells, A. Fernández Scarioni, Z. Soban, T. Janda, X.K. Hu, V. Saidl, R.P. Cam-pion, R. Mansell, J.H. Lee, R.P. Cowburn, P. Nemec, O. Kazakova, J. Wunderlich, H.W. Schu-macher, Nanoscale thermoelectrical detection of magnetic domain wall propagation, Physi-cal Review B 95, 220410 (R) (2017).

11. X.K. Hu, H. Dey, N. Liebing, H.W. Schumacher, G. Csaba, A. Orlov, G.H. Bernstein, W. Porod, Coherent precession in arrays of dipolar-coupled soft magnetic nanodots, Journal of Applied Physics 117, 243905 (2015).

12. X.K. Hu, H. Dey, N. Liebing, G. Csaba, A. Orlov, G. H. Bernstein, W. Porod, P. Krzysteczko, S. Sievers, H. W. Schumacher, Edge-mode resonance-assisted switching of nanomagnet logic elements, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 2435901 (2015).

13. P. Krzysteczko, X.K. Hu, N. Liebing, S. Sievers, H.W. Schumacher, Domain Wall magneto-Seebeck effect, Physical Review B 92, 140405(R) (2015).

14. X.K. Hu, P. Krzysteczko, N. Liebing, S. Serrano-Guisan, K. Rott, G. Reiss, J. Kimling, T. Böhnert, K. Nielsch, and H. W. Schumacher, Magnetothermoelectric figure of merit of Co/Cu multi-layers, Applied Physics Letters 104, 092411 (2014).

15. X.K. Hu, S. Sievers, A. Müller, and H. W. Schumacher, The influence of individual lattice de-fects on the domain structure in magnetic antidot lattices, Journal of Applied Physics 113, 103907 (2013).

16. X.K. Hu, S. Sievers, A. Müller, V. Janke, and H. W. Schumacher, Classication of super do-mains and super domain walls in permalloy antidot lattices, Physical Review B 84, 021104 (2011).

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