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作者: 时间:2021-12-06 点击数:

姓   名:司平占


性    别:男



民    族:汉

籍    贯:山东省日照市







2006.07至今  星空体育平台官网科研教学;

2008.9-2009.11  新西兰奥克兰大学 研究员;

2005.2- 2006.2  韩国机械与材料研究院 博士后;

2000.9- 2004.6  中国科学院金属研究所 博士;

其中2004.1-2004.12  荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学合作研究;

2003.3- 2003.6  奥地利维也纳技术大学合作研究;

1997.9- 2000.5  东北大学 硕士;

1991.9- 1997.8  内蒙古科技大学 本科并留校。


1. PZ Si, HD Qian, HL Ge, J Park, CJ Choi, Enhancing the magnetization of   Mn4C by heating, Applied   Physics Letters 112(2018)192407

2. PZ Si, Y Yang, LL Yao, et al., Magnetic-field-enhanced reactive   synthesis of MnBi from Mn nanoparticles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic   Materials 476(2019)243

3. PZ Si, D Li,   JW Lee, et al., Unconventional exchange bias   in oxide-coated manganese nanoparticles, Applied Physics Letters 87(2005)133122

4. PZ Si, HD   Qian, CJ Choi, J Park, HL Ge, A novel method for measuring the phase   transformation temperature and enhanced coercivity in cold-rolled MnAlCx   (x=0-5) alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 451(2018)540

5. PZ Si, R Sato Turtelli, R Grössinger, et al. Investigation of   the time dependence effects in the magnetization processes on YxSm1-xCo3Cu2   alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 379(2004) 82

6. PZ Si, I Skorvanek, J Kovac, DY   Geng, XG Zhao, ZD Zhang, Structure and Magnetic Properties of Gd   Nanoparticles and carbon coated Gd/GdC2 nanocapsules, Journal of Applied Physics   94(2003)6779

7. PZ Si, Redefine the kilogram in terms of the carbon-12 atom and an   exact value of the Avogadro constant, Mapan 30 (2015)1

8. PZ Si, JT Lim, J Park, CJ Choi,   X-ray powder diffraction data for Mn4C, Powder Diffraction 34 (2019) 196

9.  详见https://publons.com/researcher/2868825/ping-zhan-si/



1. 国家发明专利:一种高纯度立方钙钛矿结构化合物Mn4C及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201810089123.5 排名1

2. 国家发明专利:一种高气压热处理装置,专利号: ZL201220599278.1 排名1



1. 每年招收研究生1-2名,欢迎对磁感兴趣的同学报考;

2. 讲授《材料现代分析测试方法》课程。



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